Hero photograph
Elaina Fu - Top 30 in the OUJMC
Photo by Mr Potter

Otago University Junior Maths Competition Results

Mr G Potter —

During lockdown under trying circumstances we had 28 Years 9 to 11 girls sit the 2020 OUJ Maths Competition.

This is a prestigious mathematics competition sat by many top maths students from around the country. Congratulations to the following students who scored a Merit level pass in the competition. This placed them in the top 20 to 30 percent of the total candidates in their year level.

Clara Ballantyne, Kayla Smith, Lucy Dong, Mabel Lee, Kayla Millar and Erica Su.

A big congratulations to Elaina Fu who received a Top 30 placement certificate. This was a wonderful achievement well done Elaina!

Congratulations to all students who attempted the 2020 Otago University Junior Maths Competition.