Hero photograph
Photo by Mrs E Harris

Book Week 16-20 May 2022

Dr A George —

The annual Columba College Book Week was a huge success with something fun for everyone.

The week began with a whole-school fictional character dress-up day which was a big success. It was a great way to get everyone talking about their favourite books. With so much creativity on show, it was very hard to decide on a best-dressed from each year group.

Over the week, the Junior School helped set the scene in the library for book-themed fun and games with some brilliant book-themed artwork. Hiding hungry caterpillars, brilliant BFGs, and some cheerful characters brightened up the library. 

The flurry of bookish activities such as Shredded Books, Murder in the Library, Blind Date with a Book, and the Book Quiz will be rounded off by the annual Reading Marathon on Saturday. The Reading Marathon has over 70 students signed up to get cozy and read the day away. What a great way to celebrate the power and joy of reading!

The student librarian team have done an amazing job this year and huge thanks are owed to our head librarians, Hannah Cole and Krisha Joshi, for taking the lead on this.