Miss C Gardiner — Apr 13, 2021

Festivals are a great way to get into the spirit of a new culture. Food and silly festive activities are great things to experience and enjoy when travelling abroad or embracing your neighbours' culture.

For the French, the catholic religious calendar has allowed for the creation of many fun events. 

Year 9 students recently learnt about Diablos de Yare - the devils masks worn by dancers celebrating Corpus Christi in Venezuela. Mme Navarro, our trainee teacher, shared her culture with us and taught us about the festival.

Year 10 students celebrated April Fool's Day the French way by sticking fish on the backs of the peers. When caught with a fish on your back, your peers are to yell: "Poisson d'Avril!!" We also participated in an Easter egg roll which is a traditional festive activity in a few parts of France. 

One could say that 'festival' is synonymous with 'food'. Our year 11s have been busy making 'gateau au chocolat de Metz', a northern French cake recipe, as well as Broyé du Poitou, a western French biscuit recipe.