House Prefect 2021 - Iona

Miss J Paterson —

Jenna Paterson

It has been a privilege to be the House Prefect for Iona in 2021. Iona has had a very successful year, winning the Cross Country and coming third at the Athletics Day. There was huge participation from all year levels, at all events, especially at the Swimming Sports. Iona picked up a lot of house points, not only from competing in the main events but also from the fun events. Thank you to Mr Sparrow for pushing the house spirit and encouraging everyone to join in.

I am proud of the positive attitude and effort that Iona has displayed throughout the year. Everyone always tries their very best. Iona is an involved and enthusiastic house that participates in every aspect of events, from awesome costumes to loud and mighty chants.

Thank you to everyone in Iona, including our loyal teachers, for putting yourselves out there and getting involved. A special thanks to those that really got into the Iona spirit through competing, chanting and wearing outstanding costumes.

Good luck for next year. Keep building on the successes of 2021 and remember to have fun while achieving great things.

Jenna Paterson

Iona House Prefect (Captain)