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School Orchestra by Kelk Photography


Miss V Williamson - December 9, 2019

This year has been impressive for musical activities at Columba.

In early June, several Columba chamber music groups took part in the annual New Zealand Chamber Music Competition, of which the District round was held at Marama Hall. Overall, our groups were well received by the adjudicator, and the MultiKulti Spaghettieis group received a Highly Commended award. Columba had a large presence at the competition, reflecting the number of musically talented girls attending our school. Later that June, the Big Sing was held, and the senior choir, Cantus Columba, did exceptionally well, receiving a Highly Commended Award and the University of Otago Cup for Best Performance of a New Zealand work. That week, the Otago Secondary Schools Music Festival was also held, which both the orchestra and choir girls attended. This was a wonderful event for bringing together musical students in Otago and creating friendships across schools. In August, Cantus Columba was one of 10 choirs invited to attend the Big Sing Cadenza, and came away with the Excellence prize, the highest possible award. In late August, the combined choir, orchestra and wind symphonia school event was held, celebrating all musical endeavours at the school. A special thanks goes to our wonderful music teacher, Mr Madden, who is retiring this year, and without whom none of this would have been possible. In the coming years, may Columba girls maintain the high standard of musical achievements set through the leadership of Mr Madden.

Victoria Williamson