Hero photograph
Photo by Mrs Renner

Nari ! Naro ! from the German Classroom

Mrs Renner —

This week the Year 9 & 10 students have been celebrating the German Carnival: Fasching.

With the help of documentaries and quizzes the students gained information about the Carnival traditions in the different regions in Germany and the historical background of the fifth season, which is how German people refer to this time of the year. From the North to the South of Germany there are numerous parades and dress up parties for children and adults. To get the real Fasching feeling in Dunedin the students decorated the classroom in bright colours and dressed up. They enjoyed the atmosphere and, of course, the delicious donuts and Berliner which are traditionally served at the carnival period.

On Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) the carnival time has come to an end and for many Germans the Lenten season until Easter has begun.