Hero photograph
Zara Pratley
Photo by Mrs C Cheyne

Sir Peter Blake Award Recipient 2019 : Zara Pratley

Mrs Walker —

Sponsored by Westpac NZ since 2011, the Sir Peter Blake Award is made, in his memory, to young New Zealanders who demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities within their school communities.

This year our recipient is Zara Pratley in Year 8.

Zara has a bright open personality, displaying leadership skills by encouraging others and getting involved in a variety of activities.

At school, she plays Water polo, Futsal, Tennis and Netball as well as participating in choir, debating, speech tuition and Enviro club.

Outside school she is a Girl Guide where she is a guide leader, plays football and tennis.

She is confident being a spokesperson for a group and others often look to her for ideas.

Her peers see her as outgoing, smart, honest, caring, helpful and friendly.

Her teachers believe she has leadership qualities as she shows integrity, maturity, reliability, the ability to work in a team and takes initiative when helping set up and pack away equipment.

It was with pleasure that we have nominated Zara for this award.