German: Level 1
This is a third year course to be assessed according to the NCEA Level 1 schedule. The syllabus under NCEA includes revision and extension work on the main themes already covered in Years 9 and 10, also exploring cultural aspects of the following topics:
The individual
The family and home
Social life and occasions
City and town
Sport and recreation
Travel and holidays
School life
Throughout the year there will be revision of vocabulary and language structures encountered in Years 9 and 10. New language and structures will be introduced to enable students to communicate confidently in German. All four language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) are given equal emphasis in each topic, although authentic communication about personal information, ideas and opinions is the key focus.
By the end of Year 11 students should know enough German to be able to cope in a German-speaking environment. They have the option of participating in the German Exchange with North Rhine-Westphalia, which is open to Years 11 and 12 students. Students spend eight weeks in Germany during our summer holidays, living with a family. Shortly after their return, their exchange partners come to New Zealand until Easter. The stay in Germany enhances a student’s motivation to speak German and proves to be a great personal learning experience.
Year 10 German or with approval from the HoD of Languages.