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Chinese: Level 3

Administration —

Course Outline

The NCEA Chinese Level 3 course aims to help students to achieve competence up to and including Chinese Curriculum (CC) Level 8. The lessons are designed to review the emergent communication (CC Level 1 and 2), survival skills (CC Level 3 and 4), social competence (CC Level 5 and 6), and move on to develop students’ personal independence in Chinese (CC Level 7 and 8).

By the end of Level 8, learners can:

  • take part in general conversation with native speakers, understanding most of what is said, and contribute relevant comments

  • express and discuss many of their own ideas and opinions

  • read some imaginative writing and a variety of authentic materials

  • write expressively for a range of purposes

  • recognise up to 600 Chinese characters

  • write up to 350 Chinese characters

They are comfortable interacting with native speakers, especially those of their own age, in social situations.

Instruction utilises computer, video, CDs, language games and role-playing.

Possible topics include:

  • teenage life in China and NZ

  • exchange students

  • cultural activities

  • technology, media

  • writing a CV in Chinese, advertising

  • International students, homestay, etc.


Level 2 Chinese and recommended Merit pass in Level 2 External examinations, or with approval from the HoD of Languages.