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School Apps

Have you downloaded the School App yet?

Administration —

Did you receive the 'school closed' notification on Monday?

It was great to be able to use the School App alerts on Monday when we needed to close the school. If you have downloaded the App but did not receive the alert on your phone, there are a few more steps you need to complete - please see the attached information.

The School App is a quick and easy way to keep up to date with what's happening at the College, as well as a simple way to report absences. 

Remember we have 2 apps: Columba College and Columba College Co-curricular.

If you haven't downloaded them yet - please do. See below for more details.

Please watch the video tutorial which will help explain how you download and begin using your apps - you tube tutorial

To download the app click on each link from your phone -

Columba College School app


Columba College Co-curricular app

or go into the App store on your Apple or Android device and search 'SchoolAppsNZ' to download the app onto your device. Then search 'Columba College School' or 'Columba College Co-curricular' to find the school's app.