Hero photograph
A fine set of alumni: Genevieve Walker-Radich, Anna McCaughan, Isabella Lau, Lydia Christensen & Lydia Joseph
Photo by Ms K.M.Riepl

Alumni return to share experiences with senior students

Ms K Riepl —

It was an absolute pleasure to welcome back some old students and hear about choices they have made through school and tertiary education.

A number of senior classes came to Constance Hall on Wednesday to get some useful advice from real experts: students who left Columba College in 2017 and 2018 and have gone on to tertiary study. 

The general message was that, unless you have a clear career pathway, choose what you enjoy and what you are good at as everything else will follow from that. You have plenty of time to consider future careers through tertiary study. It is also never too late to change directions and pick up subjects even after you have left school. 

The students were reassuring and came at a good point as year 11 start to think about options for Level 2 study and as many in year 13 look beyond to Halls of Residence and university study in general.