by Jessica Lach

Wellbeing App Feedback Results

Ms J LachNovember 8, 2022

Staff and students report on their experience using new wellbeing apps.

Last term, we trialed the Orah App ‘Nurture’, which allowed students the opportunity to carry out mood checks, which were shared with their Form/Whānau teachers. After the trial, we conducted a short survey asking both staff and students whether they found the App useful. The results showed that while some students regularly used the technology, it was not their preferred method of reporting their wellbeing. Since students did not use it consistently, teachers did not find the data particularly useful either. As such, we have decided to not use the Nurture App as a student wellbeing tool.

The trial was useful in terms of gaining a better understanding of the ways in which our community engages in understanding and communicating about their wellbeing. We thank everyone for their feedback and for taking the time to try out the new technology. The wellbeing team will continue to work on ways in which we can sustain and enhance the wellbeing of our community.

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