Columba College Newsletter - December 2018
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Mrs Wafer
The Senior A Touch Team were crowned National Secondary School Champions in Auckland over the weekend.
Olivia Charles, Georgia Wong, Madi Loudon
The Wellington trip was a great way to finish the school year for Year 10!
Miss Gardiner
The 2018 Chinese Prize Giving was at Otago Girls High School on Tuesday 13 November from 6-8pm.
Mrs Hogg
The year 3 class have been enjoying learning how to finger knit.
Mrs Bridger
The badge is presented when the students have completed two years' service to the Junior School Choir.
Ms Riethmaier
Tēna koutou katoa!
Parents' Association
The Columba College Parents’ Association sincerely thanks the parents, students, school boards, Old Girls’, staff and friends of the college for their generous support throughout the year.
Ms Togneri
Congratulations to Millie George, Year 10 who won the 2018 Otago Junior Speech Competition.
Mrs Murdoch
Linked to the celebration of 125 years of Women's Suffrage, Year 8 Social Studies classes have been investigating women's voices.
Mrs Dorothy Hutton is pictured with her final Year Six class before she leaves us to take up her new teaching position in Wellington.
Mrs Pollard
The Junior School would like to thank the Parents' Association for funding 18 Bee-Bots.
Dr Macleod
Presbyterian Support wish to express sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to these Christmas gift-boxes. This year, our school community has donated 75 boxes, which will go to children and some adults in the Otago/Southland area.
Columba College Admin
Mrs Wong
Congratulations to Eleanor Wong, who won an ICAS medal with the highest score for Year 6 writing in this year's competition.
Ms Rose
As part of the learning in Year 9 Te Reo Māori classes, Ms Andrew and I had the pleasure of taking a group of students to the Araiteuru Marae in Shetland St on 21 November.
Mrs Graamans
Our 7&8 Futsal Team, the Columba Pumas win the Intermediate Girls Futsal Competition.
Year 5 were very fortunate to attend food technology at Balmacewen Intermediate School on Friday 16 November.
Serving the community comes in many forms, like Zoe and Rosie who will be serving as surf lifesavers at Brighton Beach over the summer. Let's hope the summer brings some weather worthy of hitting the waves!
Congratulations to all the students who received awards at the 2018 Columba College senior and junior prize giving ceremonies. Please see the attached prize giving lists.
Mr Potter
Some of our students performed to a very high level in both the Australian Mathematics Competition and the Otago University Junior Mathematics Competition.
Mrs Cheyne
Towards the end of Term 4 both Year 8 classes held a bake sale to support their chosen charity.
The Year 6 girls going into Year 7 next year took part in the crossing over ceremony on Wednesday 21 November.
The badge is presented to students when they have completed two years’ service to the Junior School Orchestra.
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