Columba College Newsletter - Friday 2 December 2022
Mr J Scott
Do you have any Lego pieces surplus to requirements?
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Ms I Ding
Chinese calligraphy is widely known as a traditional Chinese form of writing with a brush and ink. There are five basic script styles in Chinese Soft-Pen Calligraphy.
Mrs K Lodge
At the end of Year 6, the students create a tile which is hung in the Junior school grounds alongside the tiles from previous Year 6 students. The class had a wonderful day designing and painting their tile.
Mrs J Pollard
The Year 6 Digital Technology class were lucky enough to try out the VR headsets on Tuesday.
Miss V Eason
After a week of waiting and wondering the time had come - would we really be going to the 100-Acre Wood? On Monday morning, the class of very excited five and six year olds were about to find out.
Mrs G Beardmore
Year 9 Columba student, Elizabeth Dearden, attended the Australian School Sport Diving Champs in Brisbane recently, and Columba is extremely proud to celebrate her results!
From the 1st of February 2023, bus fares will return to the normal full price for all bus users. If your child will be using bus services for the first time in 2023, read below for some helpful tips.
Basketball Otago is offering a great opportunity this January to occupy, activate and invigorate your child through their summer holiday Basketball training camps. Open to all children aged 5-12 years of age, these training camps are an opportunity that you do not want to miss!
Ms Ding
Blue and white porcelain, or Qing Hua Ci (青花瓷), is the most widespread porcelain, and China's most famous china.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Junior School children entertained the residents at Yvette Williams Retirement Village with their Jump Jam routines.
Mrs K Cockroft
During Terms 3 and 4, we started another round of Passion Projects. The children were very excited to get underway on their boards about their chosen topics. The Junior School enjoyed listening to the presentations and learnt some fun facts about everyone’s topic! Well done to the Passion Project group. You all did a wonderful job and should be very proud of your efforts.
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) officially recognises 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition to the Han majority. In total, there are 56 minority groups and each group has their own traditional clothing and costumes.
On Friday, 25th November the Year 6 students returned to Finistere for a Year 6 leavers' dinner. This was a place they had fond memories of from their Peter Rabbit picnic day in Year 1.
The Year 1 and 2 class enjoyed their last visit to the Marsh Sports Centre. As a warm up, we used the parachute to practise team work, safety and colours in Maori. A fun activity to finish the year!
Mr A Sparrow
On Tuesday morning, Columba College students competed in the inaugural Ōtepoti Minecraft Mātauranga Build Challenge. Making up the Columba team were Year 7 students Emma Baskerville, Aisling Sievwright, Ailie Somerville and Allena Zhou.
Mrs B Bridger
Charlotte Hussey, Year 4, submitted a successful anti-bullying poem into Elgregoe's poetry competition this year. She was awarded a prize for her amazing efforts, winning a Mega Magic box full of wonderful magic tricks for her to enjoy!
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