Community Care Trust — Oct 4, 2023

Job Opportunity

Community Care Trust Panel of Advisors

CCT is seeking people who have lived experience of disability to become members on the CCT Panel of Advisors.

The Panel of Advisors will work with a facilitator to review and make recommendations on CCT practice and policy. The advice will be given to the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees.

Work of the Panel will include reviewing:

The Think Big Lunch Results; CCT Easy Read Policy and Procedure Manual; Exit Interview Data; CCT Survey Results; and Strategic Objectives.

The facilitator will ensure that all information is easy to read. Panel members will meet once a month for 2 hours. This is a paid position. There may also be additional training for panel members.

If you are interested please contact Anna Tsukigawa or Sarah Hayes.

Email or Sarah Hayes

Phone: 0800 800 001 and ask for Anna Tsukigawa or Sarah Hayes.