Hero photograph
Lost Property Box
Photo by Marie Bianco

Lost Property / Second Hand Uniform Sale

Marie Bianco —

Lost Property

Yet again we have a large amount of lost property in our Lost Property Box. 

All items were be laid out by our amazing Eco Crusaders for students to check earlier this week.

Our Eco Crusaders regularly check for names on these items and return them to classes if they are clearly named.

Please encourage your child to check the box located between the Hall and Office if they are misplaced an item.

Any unnamed items remaining at the end of Term are donated to the Parents Association to sell, or to local charities (non uniform items).

Second Hand Uniform Donations

If you have uniform items in good condition that you wish to donate for the sale please drop them into the office in the next two weeks.   A box will also be set up in the Hall Foyer to donations to be left over the holiday periods.