Hero video
Video by Cameron Anderson

Room 3 - Term 1 Highlights

Cameron Anderson —

Wow! What a great first term we have had together in Room 3.

In Room 3 we have had a fun and enjoyable first term together. We have had many highlights like the Start Up Party, The Teddy Bear’s Picnic day, our trip to Travis Wetlands, and a visit from Mitch and Emma from Fire and Emergency to teach us to "Get Firewise". We have created some great artwork and are proud of all our hard work.

Room 3 has also been very lucky to have Marcelle Fetolofai a student teacher from UC with us for the past 5 weeks. Miss Fetolofai has been kind and caring and we have had a lot of fun when she has been teaching. We will miss her next term.

We can’t wait to see what excitement term 2 has in store for us.