Principal Retirement
A number of you may have already heard that I will be retiring from my position as Principal, Cotswold School effective from the end of the 2022 school year.
I have thoroughly enjoyed what I consider a productive and rewarding career with Cotswold School for close to 25 years. After a career spanning forty-seven years, 37 years as Principal at five different schools, I am looking forward to spending time with my family including my grandchildren and most importantly not being controlled by school bells, term dates and school holiday periods!!!
I wish to acknowledge and thank the Board that saw the potential in me to be leader of this amazing school. I would also like to thank successive Boards who have provided support, guidance and encouragement throughout my time at Cotswold School.
Cotswold School has an amazing team, a fact often overlooked and underestimated by many. To work with, lead and professionally grow with such an incredible group has been a pleasure and a highlight of my career. The individual talents when collectively harnessed has provided the extraordinary opportunities, resources and facilities our learning community experiences.
Of all the processes undertaken by the Board, none is more critical nor has more potential for success than the process of appointing a new principal. The current Board is well aware of this and has put an incredible amount of work into preparing for the appointment of my replacement with the position being advertised today and an appointment made by the beginning of September.
Ngā mihi