Hero photograph
Photo by Marie Bianco

Me ako i te reo Māori (Learning the Language)

Dani Clarke-Dempsey —

This year we have introduced a new part of our Māori programme within our Kura and we have Māori slides that are shared with the tamariki daily.

These include our termly karakia and whakatauki, weekly kupu (word), rerenga kōrero (sentence) and kiwaha (Idiom)

Our Term 4 karakia is:

Kia hoahoa te katoa, tiakina te hapori

Whakakoakoa…. Tātou tātou.

Ahakoa haere tātou ki hea,

Kia kotahi tātou katoa.

Tihei mauri ora.

Let us all be friends and care for the community,

having fun and including others. 

Where we go one, we go all,

You are one of us.

Our Term 4 whakatauki is:

Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti ai te mahi.

With red and black the work will be complete

Week 1: Kupu- Kei (at, on, in). rerenga kōrero- Kei hea ngā tamariki? (Where are the children?) Kiwaha- He reka! (Yummy!)

Week 2: Kupu- Akomanga (classroom). rerenga kōrero- Kei te akomanga ngā tamariki (The children are in the classroom. Kiwaha- E ki rā? (Is that right?)

Week 3: Kupu- waho (outside), rerenga kōrero-kei waho ngā tamariki (The children are outside), kiwaha-Tiahoa (Hang on/wait up).

Week 4: Kupu- roto(inside), rerenga kōrero- kei roto te tamaiti (The child is inside), Kia tere (Hurry up).