Hero photograph
Photo by Stephen Harrison

School Disco

Stephen Harrison —

This will be Friday 26 July, 2019.

This disco has no set theme, but children are most welcome to dress-up if they wish too.

Details are as follows:

  • The Junior Disco (years 0-3) is from 6pm-7pm at a cost of $3 a ticket.
  • The Senior Disco (years 4-6) is from 7.30pm until 9pm at a cost of $4 a ticket
  • Parents can also purchase tickets for pre-schoolers so they can have access to the drinks and chips.
  • Tickets will go on sale that morning at the canteen window from 8.30-9am (door ticket sales will also be available).
  • We have a variety of “glowing” products on offer and these are from $2 each and will be sold at the disco only (not in the morning as we do not want the children to be playing with them in class).Please do not bring your own Glow Sticks with you. In previous years we have had incidents where they have broken and the liquid inside has stained the hall floors.
  • We are also looking for parent help on the evening. Sometimes the hall gets very hot and we open some of the doors for fresh air. Therefore we require parent help to be security guards on the doors so no children can leave unattended. If you can help out at either or both of the discos, please ring Helen on 021 277 1117, thank you.

Parents and Caregivers please note that we do not let any children leave the school hall by themselves. Please do not wait in cars outside the school gates for your child to come to you. Each child must be collected from the school hall doors by a caregiver. We also do not provide child care between the junior and senior discos, we use that half an hour from 7pm until 7.30pm to clean up and prepare for the next disco. Please wait with any children outside until the doors open at 7.30pm.