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by Stephen Harrison

Ready, Set, Go Evening

Stephen Harrison - May 1, 2018

If you have a child starting in Terms 3 or 4, 2018 you are invited to attend our Ready Set Go Evening on 30 May, 2018

Cotswold Primary School would like to invite parents and caregivers of all new entrant children starting in Terms 3 and 4 in 2018 to our Ready, Set, Go Evening

  • Meet the New Entrant Teachers at Cotswold School
  • Take a Tour through our New Entrant Classrooms
  • Enable you to gain an insight to what your child will be expected to do when they start school.
  • Provide you with some valuable information and resources on how to best prepare your child for school.
  • Overview of Numeracy, Literacy and Assessment
  • Classroom teachers will share their knowledge and answer some of your questions.

  • Date: Wednesday 30th May 2018
  • Time: 5.30-6.30pm
  • Place: Staffroom, Cotswold School.
  • R.S.V.P: the School Office by Thursday 24 May 2018:

We looking forward to seeing you there.