Hero photograph
Room 5 Pukeko Artwork
Photo by Jean-Marie Cain

Room 5 - Term 1 Highlight

Jean-Marie Cain —

A highlight for Term One for Room 5 was our trip to the Travis Wetlands, which was the ideal place to learn about the important role wetlands play in providing precious habitats for native plants and creatures. The children enjoyed looking for eels, bird watching, and bug hunting. Travis Wetlands is the most important freshwater wetland for birds in Christchurch and supports around half of Christchurch’s total Pukeko population. We were lucky and got a very close up look at some Pukekos. 

Back at school, the children were keen to use the knowledge they gained from the trip. The class sketched and painted some beautiful Pukekos thinking about their colours and habitat. We also researched and wrote some very interesting information reports on Pukekos which are on display in our classroom.

Room 5 have loved getting to know each other this term and they have worked hard to meet the new challenges of Year 2 routines and expectations. I'm sure they are already looking forward to the exciting things planned for Term 2!