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School Photos 2023 by Marie Bianco

School Photo Day

Marie Bianco - July 31, 2023

Just a reminder we have scheduled School Photo Day for Tuesday 29 August, 2023.

Class and individual student photos will be taken on this day. 

The timetable will be released very soon.

Sibling Photos 

Sibling Photos will be returning for 2023, these were previously called Family Group Photos but are for siblings enrolled at Cotswold Mātāhae to have a photo together.   

Sibling Photos are optional photos are do need to be booked via the Hero App.   Bookings will open one week prior.     

Please look out for the Hero survey as only those who register will be photographed by Heritage as they have a limited time period set aside at the end of the day.  Students will photographed in order of their registration so get in early. 

Year 5/6 Winter Tournament

This year the pre-booked date for our School Photos clashes with the scheduled date for Winter Tournament.  Winter Tournament postponement date is Wednesday 30th August.

If your son or daughter is selected to represent Cotswold Mātāhae at the Winter Tournament they will still be able to attend their class/individual photo, and (if required) their sibling photo prior to their departure at 11am.