Principal's Pānui - Week 1 - Term 1 2024
Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
Thanks for the support around getting tamariki up and running for the 2024 school year. A busy time for whānau ensuring that we have set up our children to be successful.
Welcome to the new staff members who are joining our team this year, Andrea Smith our new Learning Support Coordinator, Rosalind Quatermass who is teaching in Room 6 and Katie Hoffman who is teaching in Room 24.
We also extend a very warm welcome to the students and their families who have joined the Cotswold Mātāhae Learning Community. We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you as you integrate into life with us.
Schools are fairly empty, quiet and dull places without our pupils, it is great to have them back. It was also nice having the buzz in around around the school grounds of wider whānau supporting the transition into a new school year.
My thanks also to the staff for the preparation of classrooms and work in planning for the new year. As a staff we all appreciated whānau making time to attend our "Staying Connected" interviews held on Tuesday. The over 90% turnout for these indicates to us that these interactions are valued by parents. The settled start to our first day yesterday is testament to the purpose of these interviews.
Next Friday we have our Start Up Party which will give us an opportunity to welcome our new students. Thank you to Mrs Fleming-Connell, Mr Guthrie and Mr Harper for their organisation of this exciting annual event. Whanau are very welcome to join us.
We also have the Senior Duathlon, Year 5/6 Swimming Sports and the Junior Athletics coming up in the next few weeks so as usual its going to be another busy start for our students. Check out the Sports Update for more details.
Our first Whole School Assembly will be held in Week 5, Friday 1st March beginning at 9.10am. Due to hall capacity only those families of students receiving awards, or presenting items, will be notified via email by the class teacher and our welcome to attend and support their tamariki.
If I can be of any assistance please do make contact.
Ngā mihi nui
Cotswold Mātāhae Startup Party - Friday 9th February
When: Friday 9th February from 9.30am-11.30am
(NB Year 1’s may finish prior to 11.30am)
To celebrate the beginning of the school year with the students of Cotswold Mātāhae will be having our House Start Up Party. All the children will be involved in some fun-filled tabloid type activities.
What to Wear and Bring
- Shorts
- Top (House Colours if possible)
- Hat
- Shoes (that are ok to get wet)
- Towel
- Change of clothes and shoes
- Family, whanau and friends are welcome.
Sports Update for Week 1 / Term 1 2024
Click on the link to view information about upcoming sports events at Cotswold Mātāhae including the Year 5/6 Swimming Sports, Junior Athletics, and Year 4-6 Duathlon.
KickStart Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club will return at Cotswold Mātāhae School next Wednesday.
Everyone is welcome from 8.30am-8.50am in the Hall Technology Room.
Come and have your morning Weetbix with your friends!
Exciting Bee News
During the summer holidays Cotswold Mātāhae received their bee hive. The bee hive is located behind the Senior teaching block behind Room 22 and 23.
During 2023 the Year 4 students were taken through the Bee Awesome Education Programme to learn about bees and their importance to our environment. Thank you to Lesley Hurst from Bee Awesome for delivering the programme to the students and supplying the school with the swarm of bees.
A special thanks to Mr Mytton who has hard worked over the last 3 terms to create and develop a safe and flourishing environment for the bees.
If you would like to know more about the programme please check on the link below.
Bee Awesome Education Programme
Thank you to the parents who have dropped medications and inhalers into the office.
If you not already done so please do so at your earliest convenience so our office staff can administer whatever is required by your child. It is important we have any necessary supplies here at school for all students rather than having to call you during the day to bring them down to school. A written Medication Authority is also required to be completed by a parent/caregiver before medication can be administered.
Itinerant Music Lessons in 2024
This year we welcome back Monster Music who offer music lessons on a Friday. There are the options of keyboard, guitar/ukulele and drums. Please visit their website for more information or to put your child on a waitlist (most time spaces are currently full) Monster Music lessons will start at Cotswold on Friday 23rd February.
Mike Petit offers keyboard lessons on a Friday. He has a few spaces available, please email if you would like your child to start lessons with Mike this year.
You will notice that all itinerant music lessons are now held only on Fridays. As a staff we feel it is extremely important to minimise interruptions to our teaching and learning programmes and that is why this decision has been made.
Some of our previous tutors are unable to offer lessons at Cotswold on a Friday, but if your child has a love of another instrument that we don’t offer tuition for, we encourage you to enrol in lessons outside of school.
Kelly Club
Riley and the team from Kelly Club had a super busy summer with lots of Cotswold kids attending their holiday programme. They are excited to be running a before and after school programmes on site at Cotswold Mātāhae from the start of Term 1 2024. Registrations are now open via the Kelly Sport website
They will also be offering programmes for the scheduled Staff Only Days this year so book in early for these dates.
Check out our wide range of activities, easy online booking system, flexible payment options and child care subsidy information via our website. Check out the timetable of exciting activities planned for Term 1.
At Kelly Club, we offer quality before and after school care in safe and supportive surroundings, with programmes that are tailored to your kids' ages and skill levels. Our dedicated and passionate staff are fully trained in all aspects of looking after your children. Kelly Club is just for students currently enrolled at Cotswold Mātāhae School.
Childcare subsidies increased in 2023. For more information click here
2024 Whanau Information Booklet
The 2024 Whanau Booklet has been designed to give you some general information about our school as well as to explain some of the more specific points that we feel will interest you.
Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the brand new booklet for 2024.
The Booklet was sent out via the Hero App with 2024 class placement details on 8th December.
A pdf version is attached to this article and it can be viewed on our website by clicking here.
School Hours / Collecting Students during the Day
Gates open at 8.30am and students are expected to return to their class when the 8.50am bell rings. Students arriving after 8.55am must sign in at the Office and collect a late pass for their teacher. The school day finishes at 3pm.
We do prefer that appointments are booked outside of school hours but understand that it is sometimes necessary to collect students from school during the school day.
If you wish to collect your child please email the class teacher (at least a day prior) and copy in the School Office
Your child's classroom teacher and our office staff will then arrange for your child to be waiting in the office ready to go at your nominated time. Please remember that all students must be signed out by a parent/caregiver on our Vistab between 8.55am – 3pm. Please try to adhere to this as much as possible as it reduces the number of interruptions to the class during the day.
Introducing the Team for 2024
Our staff for 2024 have been confirmed and can be viewed via this link
2024 Term Dates
2024 Term Dates can be accessed by clicking here.
At the request of Casebrook Intermediate, all Kahui Ako Schools have agreed to change of date for the Kahui Ako Staff Only Day from Monday 19th August to to Friday 16th August. We hope you are enjoy a long weekend with your family. Kelly Club will be on site operating a programme on that day if you require childcare book via
School Communication
The Hero App is our main method of communication.
Instructions on how to download the Hero App
Stay up to date with school news and events via the following methods:-
- Hero App - easily be downloaded from the App Store.
- Seesaw App - teachers will provide login details during Term 1
- School Website
- School Facebook Page
- Parents Association Facebook Page
IT is really important to keep the school advised of any change of email address or mobille or work numbers for yourself or emergency contacts you have listed. Call into the School Office or email.
School Docs Policy Review - Term 1
The following school policies are scheduled for review by the Board, Staff and Parents this term.
Parent Involvement
Communicating with Parents
Community Conduct Expectations
School Planning and Reporting
Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement
We would love your input by logging into our website and choosing the School Docs tab -
username: cotswold
password: elephant
Community News
Click here for a link to this weeks Community News