by Marie Bianco

Principal Pānui - Week 4 2023

Tēnā Koutou Katoa,

This afternoon the Smith family had a fabulous welcome from the staff and tamariki of Cotswold Mātāhae School.  My thanks to Kirsty Willis, Presiding Member of our Board of Trustees for her very kind words.  

Our transition to Lincoln/Christchurch has been made easier by the kind and generous welcome and support we have received thus far. In my speech I shared the following Whakatauki -

Ma mua ka kite a muri

Ma muri ka ora a mua

Those who lead give sight to those who follow

Those who follow give life to those who lead.

I hope to meet more of you at our Fish and Chip Community Evening next Wednesday. 

Ngā mihi nui


Cotswold Mātāhae Community Fish n' Chip Evening 

You are warmly invited to join our new Principal, Chris Smith, and his family for a Fish 'n' Chip Picnic on our school field on Wednesday 1st March between 5.30pm - 7pm. Everyone welcome.  

Image by: Marie Bianco

Non Uniform Day Fundraiser  - Friday 3rd March

Cotswold Mātāhae School is proud to be supporting the Canterbury Primary Principals Association with their gold coin fundraiser to support school communities impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. 

We will be holding a Non Uniform Day on Friday 3rd March with all proceeds going directly to schools in flood impacted communities. We encourage our community to generously support this cause next Friday.

Image by: Marie Bianco

Walk or Wheel to School Week  - 6th to 10th March

Walk or Wheel to School Week Monday 6 March – Friday 10 March

This year Cotswold Mātāhae will be involved in the Walk or Wheel encouraging students to walk or wheel to school.

We’ll be celebrating by having a different theme each day, with competitions and prizes to reward those children who actively travel to school.

Look out for a Hero Post next week with more information regarding this Council-led initiative. 

Image by: Marie Bianco

John Parsons Cyber Safety and Risk Assessment Consultant Expertise - Parent Session

John Parsons will be visiting Cotswold Mātāhae on Monday 6th of March.  He will be conducting sessions with students and teachers and the Cotswold Mātāhae community.

Parents are invited to listen to John speak on Monday 6th March from 6.00pm- 7.15pm.

John is a Cyber Safety expert who travels New Zealand educating students and adults about Cyber Safety and safe practices for students and families.

Here is a link to John's website 

Keep an eye out for the registration link via the Hero App tomorrow. 

Image by: Marie Bianco

Hagley Summer Sport starts tomorrow

Hagley Sports gets underway tomorrow, Friday 24th February. If cancelled due to bad weather we will advise via the Hero App after 11am.

We still require parent helpers for our Futsal Teams- we have five teams and require at least two more coaches / managers to assist Mr Fortune.

If you can help please contact Peter Harper –

Venues: South Hagley Park (Tee Ball, Ultimate Frisbee) ; Chch Netball Centre (Futsal) ; North Hagley Park (Touch).

Time: 1.15pm to 2.15pm - buses depart school at 12.30pm and are due back at school by 3pm - NB. traffic may delay their return. Please do not park in the bus parking zone on Friday afternoons.

Draw / Results : -

Venue Maps: -

Requirements: Sports uniform, sun hat, water bottle, shin pads (Futsal)

Uniforms are not to be worn to school on Fridays, students eat their lunch and get changed into their sports uniform before departing at 12.30pm.

Cost:- Hagley Subs have now been added to your child/ren's Hero Account. The $52 cost covers the bus transport to/from Hagley Park for Term 1 Hagley Sport.

As Sport is an Opt In Activity we request that you arrange payment via the Hero App, automatic payment (reference Hagley Sport) or cash / EFTPOS at the School Office by Friday 3rd March.

Big thanks to the staff and parents who have offered to coach and manage our teams for Hagley, we could continue this program without your support. 

Senior School Duathlon - Wednesday 8th March

The date for the Senior School Duathlon has changed from the 1 March and will now take place on the 8 March, 2023. Consent forms and course info will be issued to students tomorrow and need to be returned to class teachers by next Wednesday.

Parent helpers are needed to assist with marshalling between 9 - 12.40am we require at least 15 helpers to run this event. Please contact Peter Harper if you can assist.

Year 5-6 Swimming Sports

A big ' WAY 2 GO' to all the Yr 5-6 swimmers who made a big splash in the pool at the Yr 5-6 Swimming Sports on Tuesday. You can all be proud of your efforts in and out of the water. Results and House Points released in the near future.

Special thanks to the parents and staff who supported this event. Lucky to have you!

Student Update Forms

We are currently undertaking our annual review of student records.   Please keep an eye out for a green form with the current information we hold for your child/ren in our Student Management System.   Please carefully check the details are correct and add any additional contact detail or health information.   We ask that forms be returned to class teachers as soon as possible, and the first class to return all forms will receive a special treat from Mr Smith.   

Board Meetings Dates

The Cotswold Mātāhae School Board of Trustees met last night for their first meeting of the year.   

They have scheduled board meetings for the following dates during 2023:-

  • Wednesday 22nd February at 6pm
  • Wednesday 29th March at 6pm
  • Wednesday 17th May at 6pm
  • Wednesday 21st June at 6pm
  • Wednesday 9th August at 6pm
  • Wednesday 13th September at 6pm
  • Wednesday 1st November at 6pm
  • Wednesday 6th December at 6pm 

Parents Association AGM & Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th February 2023 @ 7.30pm - Staff Room. New members, and existing members are very welcome to come along and meet our new Principal, Mr Chris Smith.  Please feel free to talk to any current members or message us if you have any questions

Future meeting dates will be advertised in next weeks Panui.

Year 0-3 Travis Wetland Trip 

Final reminder to return your permission forms to class teachers and your parent contribution of $10 for this trip.  Payment can be made via the Hero App, automatic payment or in cash to the School Office. Many thanks for your support.

Paid Union Meeting 

Union Meeting Survey Link

On Thursday the 2nd March there is a Teacher Paid Union Meeting and we have asked students to be collected at 1.00pm. If you have not already completed the Survey via the Hero App please do that over the weekend. We need to finalise staff supervision for those students remaining at school so ask that you do that ASAP.

Please note Room 8 is going to the Travis Wetlands from 12.15pm-2.45pm on the 2nd March and will not need to be collected at 1.00pm

Community News

Link below for this week's Community