Mihi Whakatau - 27 March 2024 by Marie Bianco

Principal's Pānui - Week 9 - Term 1 2024

Ko te piko o te mahuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau - The way in which the young sapling is nurtured, determines how the tree will grow.

One aspect of our Leadership Professional Learning Development has been focusing on the Whakatauki used in the header line of this article.  As parents this relates directly to how much sunlight, rain and wind we allow our saplings to have.  How does this translate to School?  The Home and School relationship is vital for the growth of tamariki. As a community I believe this is a valuable conversation for us to have.

Our initial undertaking is to break down what our saplings experience at School and this is directly influenced by the support we (Home and School) give each other.  As a Staff we are going to focus in on our School values: Manaaki - Caring, Whakawhiti, Kōrero - Communicate, Nau mai ngā wero - Challenge and how these live within our School.  We will break these down into opportunities at School to grow our tamariki.  We will look, in consultation with you, our Leaver Profile - the skills, traits and abilities we want our graduates to have as they leave Cotswold Mātāhae on their last day with us. 

Keep an eye out for opportunities to contribute to this process across the year. 

Mihi Whakatau - 27 March 2024 — Image by: Marie Bianco

Thanks to all those that contributed to the Mihi Whakatau held yesterday.  I hope new Whānau enjoyed the experience and feel well entrenched to being a member of our Community.  

As summer sports wind up and help for the winter round is being gathered can I thank all those that put their hand up to assist us with providing the options available to all tamariki at our School. 

Our second set of Parent Teacher Interviews are happening in the last week of this term - Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 April.  Bookings can be made via the Hero App.    Due to unforeseen circumstances interviews for Room 20 (Mrs Linda Wroth) and Room 24 (Miss Katie Hoffman) will be held a week earlier on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th April.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause some families that may need to venture out both weeks.

We have been notified by NZEI that there are scheduled Paid Union Meetings happening for teachers in the coming weeks. All of our teachers are members of the union and therefore have a right to attend.  Some of our teaching staff will be attending the local meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd April.  In this instance we will have enough staff remaining at school to remain open and running an afternoon programme, albeit with some changes to our usual class programmes. 

Thank you to EAC Electrical and Airconditioning (Amanda and Simon Willetts) for their generous $500 donation towards our Matariki Evening.  We are very grateful for your donation.  If you or your business would like to contribute to our Matariki Evening on 26th June please contact Paula Fleming-Connell or Marie Bianco. 

Happy Easter from the team at Cotswold Mātāhae — Image by: Marie Bianco

Just a reminder that School is closed for the Easter Break on Good Friday (29th March), Easter Monday (1st April) and also Easter Tuesday (2nd April).  

If you require care for your child/ren on Tuesday Kelly Club are running a special Easter Tuesday Programme here at Cotswold.  Click on this link to book.

A bit of a stunted finish to our first term with Easter meaning we have two short weeks followed by a full week to complete the Term. 

As always, if I can be of assistance please make contact with me.

Have a safe and happy Easter. 
