Principal's Pānui - Week 11 - Term 1 2024
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Our whakataukī this week is from Dr Hinemoa Elder’s book, ‘Aroha’. She encourages us to clear out the detritus in our minds, reflect on what is most important and what you want to contribute to the world. I encourage you to use this holiday break to schedule in some time for a little mind-weeding.
Welcome back to Fiona McNicholl who recently returned to Cotswold and is teaching our newest Roll Growth Class in Room 2. Mrs Nicholl will be a familiar face to many of you, and we are thrilled to have her back at Cotswold.
Room 1 and 2 will be relocating to the refurbished Rooms 14 and 15 at the start of Term 2. We are proud of the result we have achieved with these refurbished classrooms, and to have finally reached the end of our rebuild programme after many years.
As we reach the last week of Term one, I want to say well done to everyone. An eleven week term has given us a really solid grounding to the invaluable opportunity to build new, or revisit old, relationships with Whanau. This is especially evident with this weeks excellent turnout to our 'Settling in' Parent - Teacher interviews. This is a change to our recent structure around reporting as we look to firm up our information to parents around learning and achievement as well as the intangible Key Competencies that are so important for our young tamariki.
Thank you to Room 26 for Whole School Assembly item which included some very good writing.
Well done to the Cotswold Blues and Cotswold Royals who competed in the North West Zone Touch Tournament last Wednesday. The teams finished 1st (Blues) and 2nd (Royals) respectively. Check out the full article and photos via this link
As always, if I can be of assistance please make contact with me.
Have a safe and relaxing break over the holidays.