by Cameron Anderson

Tōtoranui Kāhui Ako eSports Minecraft Speed Build Challenge

On Friday 24th March Cotswold Mātāhae School had three teams competing in the inaugural Tōtoranui Kāhui Ako eSports Minecraft Speed Build Challenge at Papanui High School where they competed against Y5-6 teams from the other kura in the Kāhui Ako.

On Friday 24th March Cotswold Mātāhae School had three teams competing in the inaugural Tōtoranui Kāhui Ako eSports Minecraft Speed Build Challenge at Papanui High School where they competed against Y5-6 teams from the other kura in the Kāhui Ako.

Each team of 4 members was given two 10-minute sessions to cooperate and build an aspect from ‘Kupe and Te Wheke a Muturangi’ which we had spent time becoming familiar with prior to the competition.  The 12 members from Rooms 21, 22, and 23 thoroughly enjoy representing Cotswold Mātāhae and should be very proud of their display of the school values and what they created. Congratulations to the Open Competition team of Harrison George, Eli James, Kayson Jones, and Joshua Scollard for taking out first place for ‘Best Story Telling Build’. 

Well done to all 12 members of the team for giving their all and representing Cotswold Mātāhae at the first Tōtoranui Kāhui Ako eSports Minecraft Speed Build Challenge. Tau kē to mahi!