Crohn's & Colitis New Zealand Charitable Trust — Apr 19, 2021

CCNZ appreciates and thanks the IBD professional community for all their support.

This support is voluntary with professionals providing their time and knowledge, contributing to local meetings, camps, newsletters and getting involved in the strategic work of CCNZ to make lives of people with IBD more liveable.

We welcome the health professionals listed below as members of CCNZ. Their membership fees help pay for vital activities including Camp Purple and is an investment in the future of our organisation.

They are committed to your health and well-being and are actively involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in our communities. They have copies of our booklets and newsletters and are speakers at support group meetings in their region.

If you are a health professional and want to join, become a professional member . For more information email

Thank you for your support!


Dr David Rowbotham, Gastroenterologist

Dr Judy Huang, Gastroenterologist

Dr Nir Fireman, Paediatric Gastroenterologist

Auckland Gastroenterology Associates

Dr Rachael Bergman, Gastroenterologist

Dr Maggie Chapman-Ow, Gastroenterologist

Dr Philip Wong, Gastroenterologist

Dr Timothy King, Gastroenterologist

Dr Helen Myint, Gastroenterologist

Assoc Prof Mark Lane, Gastroenterologist

Assoc Prof Alan Fraser, Gastroenterologist

Dr Alasdair Patrick, Gastroenterologist

Dr Rowan Collinson, Colo-rectal Surgeon

Dr Zoe Raos, Gastroenterologist


Dr Richard Newbury, Gastroenterologist

Hawkes Bay

Dr Guy Vautier, Gastroenterologist


Dr Ian Wilson, Gastroenterologist

Dr John Wyeth, Gastroenterologist

Dr Elizabeth Dennett, Colo-rectal Surgeon

Lower Hutt

Dr Richard Stein, Gastroenterologist

Dr Ian Wilson, Gastroenterologist

Dr Arjun Sugumaran, Gastroenterologist


Prof Andrew Day, Paediatric Gastroenterologist

Prof Richard Gearry, Gastroenterologist

Assoc Prof Tim Eglinton, Colo-rectal Surgeon

Dr Malcolm Arnold, Gastroenterologist

Dr Catherine Wall, Dietitian


Prof Michael Schultz, Gastroenterologist