Hero photograph
Danielle Le Heron 
Photo by Danielle Le Heron

New Support Group Coordinator in Waikato.

Danielle Le Heron - CCSG Coordinator, Waikato —

Hello, I am Danielle Le Heron and the coordinator for the Waikato CC Support Group since 2019.

I live in the outskirts of Hamilton, but I have been in the region since 2004. I am originally from the Far North; I was born in Rawene (Hokianga) and grew up in Doubtless Bay with my mum and siblings. I moved to Hamilton to pursue my studies and to experience city-life. However in my third year of my degree, I started to become increasingly unwell. Eventually I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease which my grandfather also had, and as many of you would empathise, it flared up significantly when I was completing my teacher training! However, over the years I feel that I have been relatively lucky as I have responded well to most medications and had the odd remission period. I have managed to have two healthy children, teach full-time, and enjoy some hobbies such as camping, hiking and jogging. 

Like many, the past year or so has brought on many challenges for me physically and emotionally, having had my first of two major bowel surgeries, but I have found kindness and support from my fellow IBD'ers. I also am incredibly grateful to have a supportive and understanding husband who picks me up when I am down and laughs at all my poo jokes.

My goal for the Waikato CCSG is for IBD patients and their families to get the support they need in a casual and informal environment. I know from experience that IBD can be an isolating, scary existence, but I also know the power of connection and support. I try to arrange 6-8 weekly coffee catch ups at a local café so IBD'ers and their families can meet and chat. I would like to organise some more informative sessions throughout the year so please keep an eye out on our Facebook page and emails (if you are on my mailing list). Topics may include hypnotherapy, nutrition advice, health insurance and stress management.

If you would like to help me to organise any of these events, please get in touch as I would really appreciate the help. Additionally, if you have any requests or questions, feel free to get in touch via the CCNZ Support Group email or via Facebook.

The coffee catch-ups are on:

  • Sunday 13th June 2021, 10am at Punnet Café

  • Sunday 15th August 2021, 10am at Punnet Café

  • Sunday 17th October 2021, 10am at Punnet Café

  • Sunday 12th December 2021, 10am at Punnet Café

I look forward to seeing you there!

For the Facebook page link, click here.

Or to email us, click here