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Photo by Rebecca Anderson

Royalburn Farm - Food & Nutrition Classes

Tineke Hayes —

Our 12 FNT class was privileged enough to visit celebrity chef & nutritionist Nadia Lim’s farm on the Crown Range on Thursday. We learned a lot of vital information for our upcoming Sustainability assessment.

With a focus on local food in relation to societal, economic, and environmental factors, we got to witness firsthand the sustainable practices Royalburn Farm is committed to, as well as their chicken coops for the free range chickens, the on-site abattoir & butchery, and finally the market garden. Their focus is on supplying local businesses with top-quality produce and products from their happy animals and chemical-free gardens. This visit tied in nicely with our earlier visit to Sanga’s Pies who use Royalburns lamb in their pies, as well as their free-range eggs.

Special thanks to Ms Hill for accompanying us and to the awesome team at Royalburn for giving up their time to teach us (Michelle, Jodie, Trey, and Dave - you guys rock!). The understanding gained from the practical experience at Royalburn Farm will help students apply their sustainability knowledge and consider different perspectives in their upcoming NCEA theory assessment.