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Lunches 🥪🥝🍏

Cromwell Primary School —

Senior students now deliver all lunch orders to classes at the start of Break 1 (11am)

Packed Lunches

* We aim to be a rubbish free school.

* Ideally we want children to bring "nude" lunches. This means food is in reusable containers rather than packets and cling wrap.

*  Please make sure you pack a spoon in your child's lunchbox if they need one.  We don't have a supply of spoons for children to use.

* Please label packets (e.g. chips) with your child's name and class number. This allows us to track rubbish in the playground back to the student responsible.

* At 10.00 am each day all classes have a brain break. This is the chance for students to have a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable.

* First break is at 11am and second break is at 1.20pm.

Lunch Orders

  • On a Tuesday, Subway can be ordered online by 9am (on a Tuesday morning) using the following link - Subway and it will be delivered to school.

  • On a Wednesday, Sushi can be ordered via KINDO by 7pm on a Tuesday.

  • On a Thursday, Sanga's Pies can be ordered via KINDO by 7pm on a Wednesday. 

  • On a Friday during Term 1, Iceblocks can be ordered via KINDO by 9am (on a Friday morning) for an after school treat. You can also purchase with cash on the Courts at 3pm.

On Fridays (during terms 2 and 3 only) SOKs run a sausage sizzle every Friday (at first break).  Gluten Free and vegetarian options available.  Please order via KINDO by Friday at 9am to receive a sausage on Friday.  Sausages are $3 each.

KINDO Directions -


  1. Click on the link below

  2. Log on, in My Details – you can set up each child, by providing their name, selecting CROMWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL, and choosing the relevant class / teacher

  3. Top up account - You need to have funds in your Kindo account to be able to complete a purchase. The system walks you through the available methods to do this. POLi is highly recommended. Funds topped up but not used can be withdrawn

  4. Orders can be placed for one child or more, and can order for one date, all dates, listed or mix and match (use the calendar icon to select multiple dates)

  5. The myKindo app is available to download for use on phones, just search myKindo in the App Store or Google Play


Kindo Top Tips!

  • You can order for a whole term of dates on the app

  • You can cancel your order at any time up to the deadline cut off for that week

Any questions on the process, please contact soks@cromprimary.school.nz and we can walk you through it. For anything else, the Kindo help desk is available 8am to 4pm on weekdays on 0508 4 KINDO (454 636) or hello@mykindo.co.nz