Hero photograph
Photo by Beverley Booth

 Principal's message ...

Beverley Booth —

I am delighted and excited to be the new principal of this wonderful school. As we move towards the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 I feel so fortunate to be part of this community of students, parents, teachers and admin staff, all of whom are united in a desire to provide the very best environment for each individual child. I would like to say "thank you" for all the kind words and best wishes that have come my way throughout the past week. It has meant a lot to me. Read on for more important thanks. 

Our children have the opportunity to take part in so many activities, and especially at the end of the school year there is always so much going on; special events, assemblies, fun activities, farewells, reports, etc.  As I signed the Participation Certificates this week I took note of how many  activities/ posts of responsibility our students take part in, with the greatest number being sixteen! The children love these events and they are such an important part of our school. It takes a community effort for these things to take place and, in no particular order, here are the people who really do "Make it Happen". 

Many thanks to those parents who have helped out with our activities. We could not do it without you! Throughout the year parents come into school to help in class, they come on school trips, help organise events, join the PTA or BOT, raise money, and support us with a kind word or a smile. Some of these things require a huge and ongoing commitment of time and energy. It is much appreciated.  

I would also like to thank our wonderful staff team for their hard work throughout the year, and especially for their support throughout these last few weeks of term. Our teachers, who are so caring of the children and passionate in their desire to help all students achieve, along with our teacher-aides who support those children who need a little extra help. Our admin staff - the office staff, who greet all visitors, answer the phone AND complete all the unseen admin tasks that keep the school functioning. Dave, who looks after the school and the pool, generally keeps the school running and is also very involved in the Waterwise programme.  The work load at the end of the year is quite daunting and they continue smiling throughout. I'm sure you would wish to join with me in wishing them a happy and restful holiday break. 

On a sad note, Michael Lawton leaves us next week. Michael has been a much loved member of our community and has a real talent for working with, and understanding, children as individuals. His skills and knowledge in terms of digital learning have been invaluable to us, especially as we have moved toward BYOD. We wish Michael the very best in his new position.