Hero photograph
Photo by Beverley Booth

Important news for parents of our current Year 4 students regarding ICT and camp 2023

Beverley Booth —

For those of you in Penny Ashley or Anne Keuper's classes, your child will move into Year 5 in 2023. Moving to the senior school brings two new opportunities for the children, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and an overnight camp.

Year 5 students are invited to bring their own device into school. Parents may choose to provide a device or may prefer that their child uses a shared school device. In past years we have specified an iPad for use at school but we are aware that when the children move on to BIS they are required to have a Chromebook. For this reason, we are happy for the children to use either an iPad or Chromebook at school. I know that some of you may be planning to buy a device for Christmas. A copy of our current e-learning pathway is attached below.

In 2023, Year 5 children also have an overnight camp planned in Term 1. The dates for this camp are Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March (2 days/ 1 night). Further details will be sent out this later this term, as parents who wish to accompany the camp will need to have a police check completed before the end of Term 4.