Beverley Booth — Jun 12, 2020

Our Term 2 assessments and reporting arrangements will look a little different from usual. This reflects the fact that we have only been back at school a short time and we wanted to use the first weeks back to focus in on settling down and teaching.

Teachers have been carefully planning for student needs and have also been carrying out informal assessments and observations. We have noticed that the children are quickly settling back into the routines of school and there is a lovely working atmosphere in the classrooms. We have made the decision not to enter data into PaCT this term but will begin to collect PaCT data in Term 3 ready for Term 4 reports.

In Years 4 - 6 the children have completed e-AsTTle tests in reading and maths, as they normally would in Term 2, albeit somewhat shortened tests. These tests will give us a little extra information about our older children and can be compared with achievement at the end of 2019. Teachers may use this data with you in Term 3. 

Teachers are busy writing short, personal reports for each child. These reports will focus on letting you know how your child has settled back into school, a little about their learning and their general attitude. Through the reports teachers will also acknowledge and celebrate the learning that happened during lockdown. The reports will come home during the last week of term.

We will hold parent/ teacher interviews in Term 3 and these will be focused on achievement. 

I know that you will understand and appreciate our focus on well-being, settling back and re-creating optimal conditions for learning at this time.