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Zones Cross Country

Tamara and Lewis —

We had a number of children represent Diamond Harbour School at the Cross Country South-East Zones. Congratulations to Lewis and Tamara who go forward to the Canterbury Cross Country.

Lewis and Tamara wrote about their experience.

Zones - by Tamara

Tuesday 31th May 2022, we had to be at school at 8:15am. Them Lizzy told us about what would be happening at the event. Then she told us what car we were going in. I was with my mum.

The event was at Ferrymead park. There were about 50 kids in each race. The first race was my race, year 6 girls. I raced by myself because Daisy was sick. She was meant to race with me. I was so scared because i was racing by myself.

First a man did a warm up with us. I could hear my teammates, then the sound of the the voice, "On your marks, get set, go." With a blink of an eye we were off. It was really happening. My legs were going really fast. I could hear and see everyone. I was coming 5th. I was really close to the person in front of me but then she looked back at me and shot off. Soon I was back behind her. I felt a stitch in my tummy but before I knew it, I was so close to the finish line ... I had done it. I made 5th and got into Canterbury's .

Mum said that the year 6 boys had just gone for their race. The person in year 6 boys was Jekabs. Then there was the year 5 girls. Isla, she was amazing, she got 7th. After that was the year 5 boys. They were really amazing too. Lewis came 6th. Then was Bebe's and Pippa's race.  They did really good. After was Tayla's race. She did really good and was really motivating. After that was Kaiden's race.

After his race we were done with Zones for 2022. Then we drove back to school. Lewis and I got into Canterbury's which was amazing because last year I went to Canterbury's by myself. 

ZONES - by Lewis

On Tuesday 31/5/22 some people including me had to get to school at 8:15am. Me, Eddison and Charlie went in Alex's car. When we got there we went to the field and Lizzy gave us our stickers which had our names on them. There was a lot of time before the first race began. Next the guy on the loudspeaker said, “Could I please have the year six girls.” I cheered on Tamara. Then it was the year six boys. After they finished It was time for the year fives to race! Which meant it was time for me to race.

Before we raced we did a bit warming up. The guy got us to get lined up with the fastest at the front. I went to the front and Charlie went behind me and behind Charlie was Eddison. When the guy started the race most people sprinted off but I knew better than to sprint off. The race was longer than I expected and I had a small pain in my shoulder but I was fine. Near the end of the race I got in a better placing until I was in 9th place. Then I sprinted and went hard out and I got past three people and came in 6th.