Hero photograph
Jill Pears - Principal
Photo by Jill Pears

From the Principal ...

Jill Pears —

Tena koutou nga whanau, nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa,

By now all classes are well into their learning for this term. Science experiments have been happening, the year 7 & 8s have been travelling to Linwood for technology, the year 6s have been using the new Microbits, purchased thanks to the Trust, to make a range of digital devices, and the junior classes have been keeping a close eye on the weather.

Our Root to Tip teams did well, with both teams having a request from a judge to use their recipe in his restaurant! Rock Band has been spending extra time rehearsing, kapa haka songs and movements are looking great, music groups are preparing for Strum, Strike and Blow, singers are preparing for the Christchurch Schools Music Festival, the garden continues to thrive, children have learned more about our local predators at the Enviroafternoon, we are making the most of the lovely weather preparing for the House Sports competition, Robocup Teams are trying to get their robots to behave and sports teams had a fabulous time at the zones tournament! Thank you to all the teachers who go above and beyond to provide so many opportunities for our students.

This term, the curriculum focus is Science. We will share much of what we have been doing with you at a Science Celebration of Learning in Week 10. Please save the date (26th September) because we would love to see many of you there - are we require your participation in some experiments!

Have a fabulous couple of weeks and enjoy the sunshine,

Ngā mihi nui,
