Jill Pears — Jul 7, 2021

Tena koutou nga whanau, nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa,

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to the school production - The Lion King Jnr. The show was a real testament to what can be done with people working together with a strong vision for success. Congratulations to Sally Craw and the team for their incredible work. Many people put countless hours in behind the scenes: Sally planning and preparing, Lizzy making masks and designing the face painting, Angela, Lou and Gabe (and spouses) creating the elephant, Bex painting backdrops, John making Pride Rock, numerous people sewing pants and many other people helping out with all the bits and pieces that go together to make a successful production. Thank you so much to all who were involved.

In this final week of the term the teachers have been finalising assessments and report writing. These will come out to parents on Friday. Mid-year reports indicate the progress that has been made by students so far this year. In this newsletter you will find an article explaining the reports. You will also find information about booking a learning conference if you haven’t done this yet.

We wish all our families a lovely two week break. I hope you get some time to enjoy some morning sleep-ins and spend quality time with the ones you love and doing things you enjoy.

Ngā mihi nui,
