Hero photograph
On your marks...
Photo by Muriel Haines

Cross Country 2017

Tracey Janes —

It was VERY muddy, and a little bit chilly, but so much fun!

 Yesterday was the annual Diamond Harbour School Cross Country event, held in the village. Mr Halliday started over one hundred runners in their different age groups.

Here are some of the runners to tell you about the event:

Stella: The start was scary because I didn’t know if I would go fast enough to get a place.

Ollie:The best bit was probably me winning! My dad taught me the trick of staying behind the person at the front and then at the corner going past them. My legs felt really numb.

James D: I liked winning. I had to run fast. I felt really happy.

Reuben G: I was really happy because I came 5th.

Mr H: As the official starter I was so excited and pleased to see the enthusiasm with which all the children ran. (And I really enjoyed being in charge of the megaphone!)

James R: I actually dived over the finish line. I was extremely filthy by the end.

Maas: I liked the muddy bit. I slipped over and it was really hard to recover.

Tayla’s mum: I loved seeing the school spirit. So many kids were helping each other. Lots of people were saying they had wobbly legs in the end.

It was great to see the whanaungatanga out on the course, perhaps typified by some of the senior girls who helped each other through the soggy bits, encouraged each other up the hills and crossed the line as a group.

A huge thank you to Nirdosh for giving up his time to drive us to the event, and to all the lovely parents who marshaled for us. I was out at the furthest - and muddiest - section of the course and it was very entertaining watching laughing kids scrambling up muddy slopes. There were quite a few who slid backwards before getting enough traction to go forwards. I think most of the washing machines in Diamond Harbour were in action last night.

Well done to all who participated with so much enthusiasm, it was great to see your hauora! Well done to all those who cheered on their friends and House mates - whanaungatanga was very much in evidence!

Pictured are the 2017 age group winners: Congratulations to David, Molly, Alex, Ruby, Chloe, Cory, Jenna, Iestyn, Marleah, Joel, Elidi, Tamara, Ollie, James, Nate and Nirvana-Jean.