Hero photograph

From the principal ...

Jill Pears —

Tena koutou nga whanau, nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa,

Welcome to Term 3, and welcome to Mia and Campbell who have joined us in Te Kōhanga. We all hope you had a lovely break and time away from the usual morning routines. Thank you so much to all the parents who made time to come along to learning conferences this week. Thank you also to the teachers who have taken the time to meet with parents. These meetings are important to support the home school partnership. These are of course not the only times you can meet with teachers; please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher at any other time if you have any questions.

Thank you to those families who have paid their school donations. Unfortunately, as we all know, government funding does not provide enough funding to keep the school running and, as a high decile school, we are reliant on parental support. This support helps to bridge the gap between the cost of running the school, and the money provided by the government. We are hugely appreciate of this support as it helps to provide maximum educational opportunities for your children. Please remember that all donations are tax deductible. Receipts can be downloaded from Hero, or pop in and see Kaye at the school office for assistance with this.

So far this year, the Ministry of Education, has had a strong focus on school attendance for students. This includes attendance at their main school and/or alternative off-site education providers. There is a strong connection between attendance and achievement. Please don't hesitate to discuss with us if you have concerns about attendance, or challenges in this area. More information can be accessed here on the Ministry of Education site. 

We have a number of things coming up over the next few weeks with the Rogaine fundraising event supported by the Trust and Parent Hub, Winter Tournament, Enviroday and school trips. Please keep an eye on the school calendar so that you are aware of what is happening.

Have a fabulous couple of weeks,

Ngā mihi nui,
