Hero photograph
Principal - Jill Pears
Photo by Diamond Harbour School

From the Principal's Desk

Jill Pears —

Welcome to Term 2

Tena koutou nga whanau, nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa,

I hope you all enjoyed the school holidays and managed to have quality time with your tamariki and enjoy some lovely autumn weather. It is great to see all the students back ready to start a new term of learning. We would like to extend a special welcome to our new students: Charlie, Zion, Fleur, Auraeyah and Ruben. It is fabulous to have you as part of our Diamond Harbour School community.

During the holidays the Diamond Harbour School kapa haka group performed at the official opening of Diamond Harbour Community Hall. The kapa haka group also performed, along with the xylophone group, at the pot-luck dinner on Sunday night. Both groups performed to a very high standard. Thank you to the students involved, the parents who provided transport and to Fiona Rice who organised their participation.

As usual, the term is quite busy, so please make sure you check the class newsletters and ‘Events’ on the website and put those important dates in your calendar or diary. In Week 3 students will be involved in the school Harvest Festival. This event links closely with our school values with students working in house groups across a variety of activities that celebrate our connection with the environment. Thank you to Maria for your organisation of this event.

The Year 8 leaders have also been busy planning organisation of events. One of these is the Diamond Harbour School 2017 Talent Show. There will be two sections: Years 1-4 and Years 5-8. Students can pick up entry forms at the school office. The heats/auditions will be in week 3 and the finals will be during assembly time in week 5.

Also, after school on Friday 26 May, the Technology Leaders are planning a Scratch afternoon. This is an opportunity for adults and children to come along and find out how to code their own game using the ‘Scratch’ application. There will be activities with different levels of difficulty for all ages and abilities. Further information will come out about this in the next newsletter.

Term 2 is also the time for cross-country. The school cross-country will be held in Week 9 of this term. This is a great opportunity for children to work on their Diamond Challenge and their fitness in preparation for the cross-country.

Have a fabulous couple of weeks, and stay warm as we move into the cooler weather.

Ngā mihi nui,
