Jill Pears — Jul 7, 2021

Mid year reports will be coming home on the last day of term 2, Friday, 8 July.

These reports will provide information about what your child has been learning so far this year, information about what they are achieving and what they will be learning next. In addition, the level at which your child is working at will be reported on by referring to the New Zealand Curriculum curriculum levels. 

During their time at primary school, students are expected to move through four curriculum levels: Level One to Level Four. Each of these levels encompass approximately two years of schooling. This is outlined below.

During years 0/1, 3, 5, and 7 a student would generally be working in the early stages of the appropriate curriculum level. This means they have achieved some of the requirements of that curriculum level, but will still require support for other elements required at that level.

During years 2, 4, 6 and 8 a student would generally be working at the appropriate curriculum level. This means they are able to independently achieve the elements that are required at that curriculum level.

To calculate which level students are working at we use a range of information. This includes

All students make progress at their own rate. The graphic above shows the majority of students in year 2 will be at Level 1 but some students will be at Level 2. In year 6 there will be some students at the end of Level 2, the majority will be at Level 3 and some will be working at Level 4. Learning is complex, and doesn’t always happen in a linear manner. Progression through levels is a gradual process. There are many elements to each curriculum level and while a child may be achieving many of the Level 3 objectives, and even some Level 4 objectives, they may still need to master some Level 2 objectives. As a result, each child will have their own unique learning journey.

Further information as to what is expected of students with regard to learning at school can be found on the Ministry of Education website: https://parents.education.govt.nz/primary-school/learning-at-school/.

We appreciate all our parents reading reports carefully. During the student-led learning conferences Week 1 of Term 3 your child will share examples of their learning. You will also have an opportunity to discuss the school report. Remember that the focus of the conference is for your child to share their learning. If you wish to have a more in-depth discussion with the teacher please make an additional time.