Hero photograph

Seedy Fundraiser

Diamond Harbour School —

With the success of Diamond Harbour School's Seedy Fundraiser last year we are doing it again!!

The money raised through this fundraiser will be used to support the Garden to Table program where ākonga are taught to grow and cook kai. If you would like any further information on this program you can look at the Garden to Table website (https://gardentotable.org.nz/)


Please check the attached order form for the Seedy Fundraiser top sellers. Then fill in the order form attached to get as many awesome seeds from Kings Seeds as you like. For every packet of seeds sold, Kings Seeds very generously donates $1.50 to the school.

Order forms are also available from the school office.

Drop the order form into the school office (or email office@diamondharbour.school.nz). If you are emailing an order through please use the attache form or make sure you include your details along with the code, variety, price and quantity of each seed variety you would like to order. Payment can be made in cash or via internet banking. Our school account is 12-3482-0006256-00 Please put your name and 'Seeds' as reference.

The order form and payments need to be in by Monday, 18 September.

Orders will be delivered to school and we will let you know when they are ready to pick up.