Hero photograph
Hayes Bay Beach Sculptures
Photo by Jill Pears

Sea Week Enviro Work Shop

Muriel Haines —

Thursday afternoon a fortnight ago the Green Diamond leaders, each led a workshop around the focus of Healthy Seas Healthy People

A fortnight ago, Diamond Harbour School students participated in Sea Week activities. We did activities in class with our teachers, and on Thursday afternoon, the whole school participated in activities lead by the leaders of our school enviro group, the Green Diamond.

Our youngest year groups in Te Kohanga, made some sea animal arts and crafts, and talked about the things we can do to keep our oceans and land clean and free from garbage. Anika led this group’s activities.

The school's middle aged group also participated in an art project called sea in a bottle with Olive. They discussed pollution in the ocean, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Older age groups went to Hayes Bay to pick up rubbish and make beach sculptures, I was in charge of this age group. We picked up rubbish on the way, picking up about 70 pieces from our school to the beach.

As a student I believe children and adults benefit highly from learning about taking care of the environment that we live in, and that celebrating sea weeks, earth hours and enviro days are very crucial.

Written by Anna.

Sea Week 2017