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Weekly lunch option

Coming up on the menu...

Kaye Jones —

Payments for term 3 weekly lunch option are due should your child wish to receive the lunch option in term 3. For just $10.00 for the term (or $20.00 for the rest of the year) your child can enjoy this great initiative. The payment can be made online with "Lunch" and the child's name as a reference or by cash anytime from now until the end of week 4, term 3.

Week 03 Thursday 10 August: Thai noodle stir fry (gf, df)

Week 04 Thursday 17 August: Vegetable and pasta soup with cheese straws

Week 05 Thursday 24 August: Wedges and salad (gf)

Week 06 Thursday 31 August: Bread and butter pudding with custard

Week 07 Thursday 07 September: Pumpkin soup with scones

Week 08 Thursday 14 September: Potato stack