Diamond Harbour School — Dec 18, 2018

The school pool is now open for after hours use. Keys cost is $90 for school families and $140 (including a $20 returnable bond) for non-school families. A reminder the school office is only open in term term (see term dates on the website). If you missed out, you can text 0272095891 and we'll see what we can do! Please read the following information including terms and conditions of use. Be aware the pool can be closed, without notice, at any time.

A reminder that we do not have EFTPOS at school. Payment either by cash or bank transfer. Please allow for processing time when paying online before collection of the key from the school office. Email office@diamondharbour.school.nz for more information. 

School bank account: ASB 12-3482-0006256-00

See attached pdf for pool use terms and conditions.