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Why Do I Need a Website?

Stuart Dillon-Roberts —

Almost everyone in NZ has used the Internet. But does this really mean that every business, organisation or school needs a website?

Some businesses and organisations believe they would gain no benefit from having a website.  However we believe this isnt the case and through our work we see many businesses seeing great results from having a website.   

Here are the benefits: . 

  • A website works 24/7
    People can find out about you, what you do, who you've helped even while you sleep. 
  • It's easy and cheap to change information
    Think about the cost of producing, marketing material, flyers, newsletters, product lists.  It's much easier and cheaper to change this information on your website, with great tools like Wix and Weebly out there many organisations are creating their own website.  
  • It conveniences your customer
    They can check out your website and find out information about you at a time that suits them. They know they won't get a 'hard sell' nor do they have to contact you during business hours to get information.
  • It adds to your credibility
    A business without a phone number or a physical address can seem shady. Nowadays people almost expect a business to have a website and an email address.
  • It extends your reach
    Often small organisations rely on foot traffic and word of mouth for business. However, having a web presence extends your geographic area. Not all your future customers will be living nearby, maybe they are planning to shift into your area, maybe they are planning an extended holiday, or maybe they browsing the web on behalf of a relative who's not so internet savvy.
  • Easy to remember
    And finally, it's easier to remember a web address than a phone number, which means your potential customers can always find you. 

We believe that in this day and age having a website is like being listed in the ubiquitous white or yellow pages, but with far greater benefits.

Want to get started on a new design?

Of course you can talk to a Website Design Company or if you don’t have the budget there are free (ish) website development platforms that can produce great results, such as wix.com or weebly.com, wordpress.org.   

Need help? Get in touch! ❤

Here at Digital Journey, we have talented team of website creators of you're unsure of where to go next!  

For this, or any questions, get in touch with the Digital Journey team at hello@digitaljourney.org .