Need Help in this Digital World?
Digital Technology is moving at an incredible pace with no sign of slowing down as new services continue to be released, communications become even faster and our society becomes increasingly connected.
Technology is shaking the foundations of traditional business models with new digital services challenging what we normally do. For example, how many items has your phone replaced? Your camera? alarm clock? music player? map book or GPS? Then think about the teenagers you know — I've seen mine use it as a torch, a mirror, a gaming console, a tv, a book. Who would have thought we could carry so many of these items in our pocket or handbag. There are plenty more examples of disruptive technologies and innovation leaders who are maximising technology to provide consumers with alternatives.
Equally, there are changes that a business can do today to embrace technology and ensure that they future proof their products and services. For example, ensuring that a business has an online presence with a website and communications that look amazing and can be read easily on a mobile device. Businesses should look to social media to advertise their products, seek consumer endorsement and attract new customers. Today, cloud-based products can offer alternatives for running desktop software and provide new services, feature-rich at a low cost.
For many organisations, this is an exciting opportunity to revisit traditional business practices and determine how digital technology can play its part. For others, it is extremely daunting as they ask themselves ‘where do I start?’, ‘what should I do first?’ and ‘how will it benefit my business?’
Digital Journey — here to help 👍
This is why we created the Digital Journey assessment a tool to help businesses maximise their use of the Internet. It’s a free tool that can be accessed at this link: Our business assessment takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete and it asks questions along the four themes of; Marketing, Tools, People, and Website.
After completing the assessment you will receive a tailored action plan which explains the steps you can take to improve your use of the Internet as a business tool. It will help you determine your priorities and where you can go for additional help.
The results include a digital maturity score so you can see how you compare to others in your industry. Your score can be used as a benchmark to check how your maturity changes as you implement your plan.
But will it be worth the effort?
This approach works because the business owner/manager is in control, the action plan has told them where to focus their efforts for the best results, and of course, there is the Digital Resources website for free ‘how to’ guides, tools and templates.
Check out this case study for a business that followed the Digital Journey action plan. A year on from completing their assessment they have seen positive improvements in customer engagement increased sales and better resilience in their business systems. They have also increased staff numbers by 23% — a great result for a short space of time.
Need More?
Need more help — we have this covered. We also provide digital training and run a successful Digital Mentoring (one to one support) programme.
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