Andee Gale — Oct 14, 2019

Content marketing delivers value to potential customers in a way that traditional marketing does not.

Traditional marketing channels are becoming less effective. We fast forward through TV adverts, and surf the web in such a way we absorb the information we are interested in, often automatically filtering out the ads at the top and side of  webpages. That’s why many businesses are turning to content marketing. Content marketing can provide your existing and potential customers with value in a way that traditional marketing cannot.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is about providing relevant and useful information to customers to build trust, relationships, sales and loyalty. Often content marketing is used to position a business as a leader in its field or as an authority in a certain area.

Because of the evolution of marketing channels, and the flexibility and immediacy that social media provides, content marketing is often delivered through social media channels.

Create a plan

To improve your chances of success we recommend developing a content marketing plan and activity schedule. Ideally, this would be designed to support an overarching marketing strategy. 

Because content marketing and social media planning often go hand-in-hand, the plan can be known by different names (content marketing plan, content plan, social media plan, social media strategy, or content strategy etc). Regardless of the name, a good plan should include:

When thinking of a plan or strategy we often remember behemoth documents that take months to create and then sit on a shelf gathering dust… the memory alone is enough to put you off getting started.

You don’t need a large formal plan, but you should take the time to think through and write down your objectives, who you are trying to reach, how you are going to do it and what your measures of success will be.  If you don’t have a plan you risk spending hours creating ineffective content, or simply doing nothing at all.

Read How to Develop a Social Media Plan for easy to follow advice on creating a social media plan and links to useful templates.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions or need advice, you can get in touch with the Digital Journey team at

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