Amy Wilkinson — May 12, 2019

We're proud to have worked alongside MBIE to help with their research into technology use with small businesses in New Zealand.

In 2017, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment began a research project to lift the digital capability of small businesses around New Zealand. The project finished up in December 2018, with the results having just been released last week. 

We feel super privileged to have been a part of this research and are excited by the latest results. One of the main findings was that small businesses tend to rely on intermediaries (such as their business advisor or accountant) for advice on their digital development. This was instead of seeking out independent advice elsewhere. It was also noted that a range of digital-focused events were used to engage with these small businesses and point them in the right direction with their digital use. 

From the research, it was found that small businesses were more likely to take on changes to their digital use when they heard of success stories from other small business like them. From this, MBIE are in the process of bringing together a number of case studies to show the benefits of digital technology on small businesses. 

As for us, we are happy to continue our involvement with MBIE and their research. While the research was being conducted, we helped to coordinate small business workshops, create some case studies, provide insights into continual digital uptake and recommend digital projects that we've seen have worked before. Now that the research has ended, we continue to update our Digital Resources site to provide support and impartial advice to all New Zealanders. Additionally, we continue to work alongside small businesses in new Zealand and help them find the best digital solutions to complement their work. 

Both MBIE and ourselves will continue to work with small businesses around New Zealand to lift their digital uptake to make them more profitable. 

Take a look at the full report here, or if you're interested in our free Digital Resources and how to make your business more digital, you can find them here